Patient Path
Do you want to know which possible path lies ahead of you?
Look at a possible course. This has helped other patients to think of everything that is important now. The time sequence can vary greatly from person to person.
The following areas will probably be relevant to you in the near future.
At home
Employment & social affairs
Family doctor
Insurance / health funds
Patient organizations
Psychological help
Therapy centers
When your COVID-19 self-test is positive:
• avoid social contact and inform your recent contacts
• confirm the result by taking a PCR test or go for a rapid antigen test at a testing site
Tip: You can get an appointment for a PCR test by calling your family doctor or the medical standby service. (The standby service phone number is 116 117).
You’ll find further information in the section "COVID-19: an ABC".
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onWhen your PCR test is positive:
• you must isolate at home and your close contacts may need to quarantine
• tell your family doctor about your illness and how it’s progressing
Tip: You should do this in a phone consultation rather than going to the doctor's in person. That way you avoid infecting other patients.
You‘ll find further information in the section “COVID-19: an ABC“.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onMedical information, contact points for patients
Tip: When you find medical information on the internet, be aware of its quality. Use sites that are managed by patient organizations and specialist medical societies. Our website provides many useful links.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated on treatment of symptoms (e.g. cough, fever)
• antiviral treatment if there is a high risk of severe illness
• admission to hospital if symptoms worsen
Tip: If your state worsens, get help straight away. Don’t hesitate to contact your family doctor or the emergency service if you have difficulty breathing.
You’ll find further information in the “Treatment” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated on• ventilation
• treatment in intensive care unit if necessary
You’ll find further information in the “Treatment” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onTip: For many people, the pandemic and/or their own experience of having COVID-19 can be an enormous psychological burden. Get psychosocial support or psychotherapy to help you cope better in this situation. You’ll find further information in the “Support” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onFinding out whether you need rehabilitation; making an application
Tip: The hospital's social service (Sozialdienst) can support you in applying for rehabilitation. You’ll find further information in the “Rehabilitation” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onTip: Ask your doctors at the hospital whether rehabilitation could be helpful for you and what clinics are available. Discuss with them which rehabilitation clinic would best meet your needs. You’ll find further information in the “Rehabilitation” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onFinding out about other treatment options, thinking in the long-term
You’ll find further information in the “Support” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onYou’ll find further information in the “Treatment” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onTip: If you can’t return to your old job because of your illness, you may be entitled to reduced working capacity pension (Erwerbsminderungsrente). If your illness is related to your job (e.g. workers in the health system) it could be recognized as an occupational illness (Berufskrankheit). You’ll find further information in the “Employment and social affairs” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onTip: A number of national support schemes are in place to prevent social hardship due to the pandemic. Find out what’s available – you may be entitled to coronavirus support.
You’ll find further information in the “Support” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onTip: Take care to protect yourself from infection. Wash your hands regularly and make sure interior spaces are well aired. This applies all the more when someone in your household has COVID-19.
You’ll find further information about protecting yourself from infection in the “Risks & Prevention” section and in a patient information booklet produced by the patient safety alliance APS.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onTip: Take note of the latest recommendations issued by STIKO, the standing committee on vaccination. Vaccination can protect you from infection and, above all, it can stop you getting seriously ill with COVID-19.
You’ll find more information about vaccinations in the “Risks & Prevention” section.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onTip: Keep on going for your regular check-ups. Don’t cancel them for fear of catching COVID-19 at the doctor’s practice.
Written by the HELPFÜRMICH editors and updated onThe example path represents only one possible course, chronological sequence and individual stations can differ individually.